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Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Master's Estate

The Master’s Estate

A simple and lowly man worked each day diligently in the house of his master.  And yet, in secret, he prayed that one day he would benefit from his laboring to live upon his own land as lord and master of an estate.  
And so it was that the master knowing full well the intent and desire of his servant, beckoned him unto private council and thus offered unto him a grand a glorious land to which he should only pay one year’s wage.  Overjoyed at the generosity of his master, the servant agreed and continued his work diligently and faithfully for his final year.  
Now the master, gracious and wise, gave not only land, but also servants, and cattle and seed by which to make use of his land, and also all manner of fine things.  The man having been thus exceedingly blessed, moved his family, a wife and three sons, and their possessions onto this land which had been sold unto him by his master.  Yea, and there they lived many happy and contented years until at last after some length, the simple and lowly man began to contemplate in the goodness of his heart and sought to partition his land into three parts that each of his sons might become heir to a portion of his blessing after he succumbed to the waxing of his elder years.
The thought of inheritance however, so stirred the hearts of his sons, that they began to contend one with another and with their father also, beseeching him to which portion of the land they should become heir.  Yea, and their contentions were heard roundabout in the land until every servant and passerby knew of the strife which had been exercised and sewn upon the land.  And lo, a great plague, even a curse, crept over the blessed land insomuch that the land seethed with wickedness and strife.
At last, the final hours of the lowly man were upon him and his sons were gathered about his bedside to hear his final wishes, and to each of his sons, the old man deeded to them a portion of the land which was given him by the kind and generous master.  Yea, and even upon his final breath there remained contention among his three sons.  And so it was, that each son received an equal measure of the land by inheritance from their father.  Yea and each of the sons plotted a course by which they could benefit from their portion of the land.
And it came to pass that the first son was heir to a choice portion of the land and became greedy knowing that it was of great value.  Yea, and intoxicated by his greed, he began to partition his land and sell it piece by piece until he was very wealthy.  Ah, but lo the curse of the land had imprinted itself so profoundly upon the heart of the greedy son, that he was consumed by his lust for power and wealth; thus he left the land of his father a corrupted and fallen man.
The second son, embittered and envious of his eldest brother sewed seed upon his land, and by the sweat of his brow vowed to reclaim his father’s land piece by piece from each man who bought a portion from his brother.  Yea and his days were spent toiling and laboring to possess that which the first son had acquired.
At long last, the second son succeeded in procuring the final parcel of land sold by his greedy brother and yet, bent upon acquisition approached the third son that he might acquire the third share of inheritance owned by the youngest brother.  Yet after witnessing the laboring and toil of the second son the eldest brother engrossed in greedy rage also sought the share of the youngest son.
And it came to pass, that as both brothers greedily argued and contended with the youngest brother, he was overcome with grief and recognized the source and eventuality of the plague that had cursed the land.  Yea, and the third son repented within himself knowing that he had contributed unto the strife which had scourged the land of his father’s blessing.  And he knew deep within himself that the inheritance given unto him, and his brothers, had been defiled and blackened by the ongoing contention of his brothers.
As he reflected upon these things, he recognized that his brothers had been exceedingly burdened by the curse that emanated from the land of their father; so much so, that the first son had sold himself unto greed and wealth and had become wicked and cunning.  And like unto him the second son had labored and toiled each day to do only but the bidding of jealousy, and his soul was tainted by pursuit of acquisition.
In his grief, he left his brothers contending and striving one with another to clear the plague which still remained upon his share of the land.  And so, with rightful judgment he succumbed not to his brothers, but instead beseeched his father’s master, that he might earn a private audience with him.
Yeah and in the chamber where they met, the youngest and wisest son deeded his inheritance back unto his father’s master.  And the master questioned him asking , “You know that I am well with age, why deed your Father’s inheritance back unto me?”  And the youngest son replied in humility, “ It is that the land of my father should be without plague or curse, and in this act shall I cleanse for me and my father also, the contention which my brothers and I invited upon the gift of your generosity.”  And lo, the master knowing well the wisdom of these things spoke saying “ yea, and thus it shall be done, and upon these things shall it be spoken nobly to honor thy father and thy name.”

And it came to pass that when the youngest brother had fulfilled this deed, the master asked of him “Where will thou goest?”  And the youngest son replied, “To live with my brothers upon what remains of their land.”  And the kind and generous master spoke softly and said, “ Know ye not that I am a king.  Come hither and liveth with me upon mine estate, for it is a kingdom to which there remain no heirs and I am yet well with age.”  “Let this be unto you, thine inheritance, for in acting with prudence and good judgment, shall ye be heir to mine estate and all the things of my kingdom.”  Yea, and the third son left the land of his brothers and returned to inherit the masters’ estate, and was himself a wise and generous steward in the house of his father’s King.

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