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Thursday, August 4, 2016

Fluid Prayers

Fluid Prayers

I love you my son.  I saw you weeping today for my children who struggle to practice their belief openly and are beaten, persecuted and killed for my name's sake.  

You are righteous for your compassion and your tears are not in vain, my son, for I shall lift up all those who are persecuted for their faith in my son Jesus Christ.

My son, seeth thou thy fervent tears, and how they soaked the pillow where thy head layeth? Remeberest how thy frame hath quaked in thy tears?  I have heard thee and will deliver my people--for this you can be certain.

But Lo, be ye not dismayed at the tribulation of my children, for they shall have joy and peace everlasting and I shall comfort them and abide with them forever and ever.  

My son, save up thy tears and anoint they pillow and cry out for my children who have hardened their heart against me and mine elect.  Yea for those who persecute my son, yea the Redeemer of this world , still as even in the days of his death.  They are worthy of thy tears.  Pray thusly, my son, that even the fluid of thy compassion should soften the hearts of betrayal and disbelief. 

My son, learn ye this day the power of fluid prayer for as thy heart filleth up with righteous compassion, my will spilleth out into the world of men.  Pray ye therefore on this wise that ye should be jubilant and celebrate those who have found me.  Sing praise and gratitude for the oppressed and Hallelujah for those gathered in torment for my name's sake, that their fire shouldst welleth up in them and they be delivered by the rejoicing of the Holy Ghost who danceth within them.

But unto the hardened, yea unto the doubting, saveth ye thy tears for them, for tears of intent, my son, have special properties to heal and return my children unto me, even from afar.  Nay, shall I not turn my ear from the reverent and fluid prayer of my servants who abideth in me and serve me.  In this, my son, ye shall have covenant.  AMEN!


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