Blog Archive

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Parable of the Water Fount

Parable of the Water Fount
The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a fount of pure water…  For of the fount, the pure water taketh no shape, yet the water and the fount are one.
But lo, water taken from the fount is still fountain water, for it is beget and retrieved of the fount; yet this divided water knoweth a shape, for the waters are divided unto themselves and the separate water knoweth but the shape of a vessel which holdeth it.
Now, my children, the fount hath giveth its pure water unto the vessel, yea and the vessel containeth only a part of what the fountain hath.  And lo, the vessel receiveth only that which it doth rightfully hold, lest the vessel runneth over and the fountain water is lost.  Wherefore the vessel, unto itself, containeth but a lesser portion of the fount’s water.
Observe then, that the fount’s pure water and the separate water are the same by composition, yet a shape is expressed in the similitude of the vessel which holdeth it.  But lo, the separate water doth reflect the image of the fount’s pure water, for the separate water doeth its work in the name of the fount. Yea, and as the vessel poureth out its water unto the fount, the fount receiveth again unto itself the pure water from the vessel which held it.
But lo, the vessel which keepeth its water, and returneth it not unto the fount, corrupteth the purity of the fountain’s water, for as pure water standeth within the vessel, the vessel doth stagnate and polluteth the purity of the fountain water.  Wherefore that vessel ceaseth to contain the fount’s water, for that vessel containeth instead standing water.
Now my children, the vessel and the fount which are pure must thus continue to share its water one with another, lest the water in the vessel holdeth standing water and causeth pollution. Yea, and polluted water may returneth not unto the fount, lest the fount become tainted by the stink of stagnation.  Verily, verily I say unto thee that once the pure water of the fount standeth unto stink within a vessel; this water cannot be shared again with fountain.  For behold the vessel and the water are lost together.
Harken unto me my children; a tainted vessel is but a cup of death and conceiveth no life of the fount.  And a fountain of life delivereth not death but the waters of life only.  Wherefore, a tainted vessel must first cleanse its waters with the blood of righteousness and restore them unto sweetness before it is yet reclaimed unto the fount.

Hence, the Kingdom of God is like unto a water fount, for the Waters of life are sweet and give forth freely,  life unto the vessel.  Yea, and the waters of a pure vessel returneth unto the fount and thus the fount and the vessel are one.


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